Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday Thoughts

Today is a beautiful Saturday...not too hot, not too cool, sun is shining. Just finished a really good book that many of you have already read, THE KITE RUNNER. Makes me think about guilt and forgiveness and redemption. Also love the image of the kite...soaring, flying, and symbolizing the relationship of Amir and Hassan.

Finishing a wonderful book is a grieving time for me. I want them to keep going. I become attached to the characters, they feel like friends. I can't just pick up another book right away, I have to grieve the loss for a bit.

Wondering if anyone will really read this blog. It feels very strange, like you are putting yourself out's a vulnerable feeling. Yet, it is a yen for connection...for meeting someone new...for seeing what people think of you without all the baggage of a REAL relationship. You don't have to like me or care if I like you. You just respond to what I put out there. Hmmmm
Am I ready for this?


olufunke grace bankole: said...

i too enjoyed the kite runner. i finished it earlier this morning, and have also blogged about it.

dap said...

glenna, congrats on the blog! i can't wait to read more... as for books, i agree that finishing one is a bitter-sweet moment. i find myself in the middle of many books because i know if i keep reading then i will eventually finish the book and no longer have that enjoyment. i hope you find more writings that allow you to become a part of the story. have a terrific week.

Anonymous said...


I love you
